what's happened here since I last wrote?
Well, we went Christmas tree hunting... that was eventful!!
Why the picture of a Llama? well, the first tree farm we went to had more wild animals than Christmas trees! Llamas, Turkeys, Peacocks, and don't forget Kangaroos!!!
after 2 attempts at finding a new tree farm, we headed to our good old standby, Farmer Brown's Tree Farm in Arlington. We always find a great tree. WHY WERE WE LOOKING ELSEWHERE?!!? Who knows! This year was no different. We found a perfect tree...
decorated it...
and presto.
The Christmas season had arrived.
Then we got some snow! what a treat!! Made for some very happy boys!
Hudson had a very specific list of things to "get done" while we had snow!
#1 Have a snowball fight (no pictures) but it happened.
#2 Build a snowman (complete with a carrot nose from the garden) Yes, I still have carrots buried in the garden!
#3 Make snow angels (by this time the snow was quickly turning to slush) oh well!
#4 Go sledding. They weren't too successful, but they gave it their best shot and got a couple of "runs" in (if you could call it that) before they gave up on it.
Then came the rains!! and the flooding that was national news!
Our little 'stream' became quite a lake!
and our snowman, well... he became a mutant.
What else...
Camden did some Christmas baking (he made all of these chocolate covered pretzels by himself!
Hudson tried his feet at ice skating! His buddy invited him to 'buddy day at his ice skating class' and Hudson liked it so much he just started his own ice skating class! afterall, he does want to be a professional hockey player when he grows up so I figured we better take a few classes on how to skate!
And we had a Christmas party for Flip! and the caterer made FLIP cookies! isn't that cool!?!
Wow, I may have to do another installment to cover Christmas and new years! If I keep going nobody will ever get to the bottom!
I'll get caught up one of these days!