So... if you didn't already know this, We had committed to buying a new puppy since we lost Kemper. We decided it was time to go for it again.
Well, when Kemper returned home, it was only 2 weeks before the day we were to pick up the new puppy. Matt decided that regardless of Kemper being back home, we were still getting this new puppy that we had already grown somewhat attached to.
So... here he is!

Here are a couple pictures of the week before we brought him home when he was still with his 9 siblings.

If you're wondering about the name... Here is the story... I had thought of the name Stuart, I thought it sounded like a good dog name. Matt liked it and the boys liked it. I then ended up looking up the meaning online just to see what Stuart means and thought the meaning was great... it means "Guardian of the home" perfect! then we told a few people here and there and got the funniest reactions. So we thought maybe there was a better name out there, but when Kemper returned to the picture we decided we had to name him uncle something (he truly is Kemper's uncle) so Uncle Stu just seemed like the best name for him! and the kids started calling him Uncle Stu and that was the end of that. He is called Stuey for the most part.
Here is Uncle Stu the day we brought him home! He loved chasing the boys on their scooters! He was exhausted though and whined almost the entire time he chased them.

Camden was so excited to have another puppy to bond with!

on his first weekend with us we took him on a walk/hike for about 2 hours! Again, he whined almost the entire way! Silly Dog!

Biggest Problem of a Black lab...they're hard to photograph!
most of the time you can't even see his eyes!!!

and Kemper is adjusting well! I think he actually likes having the playmate around! He was a little rough at first, but he's learning quickly. He's such a joy to have around the house! and a GREAT doggie!
And... Beyond the life of Dogs, we have done a few other things!
We went to see the Harlem Globetrotters! They are hysterical!
Our friend is friends with one of the team members so we got great seats! the boys got a "globetrotter" basketball and even had it signed by one of the players!

Hudson has been taking ice skating lessons...and I can't seem to find a single picture to show for it! oops!
and Camden went skiing for his first time this weekend!!!
Here is a video! He did so good! I was totally impressed! I think he's faster than I am! okay, so I know he's faster than I am! :)