Well, if the fair didn't throw Julie into culture shock, I'm not sure what would!!
...and have you ever heard of Muttin bustin'???? I'm not sure where I stand on this particular activity. Somewhere between being totally amused by it and at the same time, wondering if it violates some child endangerment act! But these little kids (between 3-6 years old) get on a sheep, hold on for dear life and the sheep runs like mad! It is crazy! but highly entertaining!
That's Julie and I in the front seat of the mini-rollercoaster! neither of us lost our lunch, but Julie was a bit sick afterwards...probably a combination of the heat, the ride and the fact that she had her first introduction to a "Krusty Pup" (for those non-fair-goers...also known as a corndog!)
Camden loved the rides and this one, "The Scrambler" was his favorite this year! We both had a lot of fun on it, and he later got his Papa to go on it with him too!
The little rocket ships that go around and around and up and down were a bit more Hudson's speed. He did do the big giant slide by himself, but cried and screamed all the way down until he reached the bottom...then the smile came!
...if you could only see a close-up of his face...filled with fear, poor little guy...
...and there's the smile! phew!
face painting was in order... fun, fun, fun!
This is our favorite juggler (well, I suppose we don't know many others) but we've been watching him at the fair for 18 years!! he's amazing!!
We ended the fair (after 10 hours) with the jiggle-feet! That made the 1/2 mile walk to the car manageable!
It was a great day, beautiful weather and load of junk food and fun!! can't wait to "do the puyallup" next year!!