Wednesday, May 18, 2011

the past few days...

the weekend started out with Matt needing stitches. Yes, another injury!! This time it was chainsaw vs knee. the chainsaw won and Matt ended up with 15 stitches. :(
The weather was awesome and despite the injury Matt was able to seed our soon to be front lawn! Looking so forward to that!

When the weather is nice the boys are outside constantly!!
Their current pastimes are swinging, 2 man baseball and lacrosse catch.
They started this new thing where they swing with their eyes shut and 'race' to the top. when one of them yells "open" they open their eyes to see who is swinging higher. They laugh and laugh and laugh! I tried it and found that I cannot swing with my eyes shut! It makes me horribly dizzy! Maybe that's why they're laughing so hard!

And my "swing therapy" took two days! and now the issue is that she never wants to get off the swing!! Yesterday she was swinging for 1/2 an hour!! every 5 minutes I said "are you ready to get down?" and she grunted and indicated that she was not done and wanted to be pushed yet again!

Emerson in her silly sunglasses.

Hudson giving it his all trying to catch the lacrosse ball.

Emerson has recently taken an interest in the phone. She wants to talk to whoever is on the other end and if in the right mood, she'll "talk" for 5 minutes or more. It's so funny to watch her hold the phone and have a conversation (with no words of course)

Uh-oh! Is Emerson thinking she's clever enough to get out of her crib?! I hope not!! Hudson was 18 months when he started crawling out of his, Camden was in his crib until two and a half and never dreamt of crawling out. I'm hoping she doesn't figure it out (or fall out) any time soon!

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