Monday, June 27, 2011

School's out for the summer!!

Summer's out and we at the Brown house couldn't be any happier about it!!
We have tons of fun summer plans and tons of pajama days planned as well... a good mix I think. I'll let you know in a few months how it all went.
Here is Emerson on her birthday (forgot to post this earlier) but she loves her new stroller! she has so much fun pushing her babies around in it!

Here is the day before school got out breakfast with Emie. She slept through breakfast almost the entire year but I think with it getting lighter in the morning, she's up and at em early!!

The day before school got out, Hudson's beloved beta fish, appropriately named "Beta", died. He was a slightly neglected fish, Matt might say extremely neglected fish, but Hudson bought him when he was in preschool. He had some money burning a hole in his pocket and one day said, "mom, will you take me to the pet store? I want to buy a fish" and so we did. and Beta came home with us. Matt suggested flushing him down the toilet, but Hudson preferred a proper burial. And so we did. A burial complete with tombstone.

Here are some first day of school pics followed by the last day of school pics. Fun to see how they've changed in the past 9 months.
Hudson first day

The 3 of them on the first day

Camden's First Day

Camden's last day

The 3 on the last day of school

Hudson's last day

These days Emerson is most of the time goofy and fun with a big smile on her face and happy as a clam. However, since turning 2, she definitely has some stronger opinions about getting the answer she doesn't want to hear. here are a few of Emerson's faces...


the "someone just told me no" face

some summer fun... here is our start to summer...

Emerson and her buddy Ben with dueling lawn mowers

coloring on the deck under the tent Dad built for them.

painting outside on a sunny day!

maybe Emerson's idea of UGG boots? slippers and a summer dress? I guess she knows what's cool.

Camden and Hudson dueling...

Lastly, Emerson's new favorite pastime.... the trampoline! She can't get enough of it and now asks for it by pumping her fists up and down. she loves it!


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