Friday, May 13, 2011

Today we ran errands. We went to McLendons to buy paint for the boys bedroom and a few little annuals to plant in my one little pot. Then we went to the grocery store to buy strawberries for a strawberry cake I'm making for tonight. Lastly, to Target. Emerson is almost out of detangler so we had to buy more. It's hard to believe I'm buying hair products for a 1 year old, but without them we would not be able to get a brush through her hair!

I ate lunch by myself out on the deck and listened to the woodpecker peck, the hummingbird hum, the song birds song and the swallows swallow. I feel like I live in a bird sanctuary! It sounds so beautiful out there! I only wish I could recognize all of the bird songs. I want to know which song goes to which bird. I've got about 1/2 of them mastered, but still have a ways to go.
Here is a picture of the hummingbird I see daily. He always sits on the same branch.

After school Camden wanted to take Emerson out in the mud. I thought it was so sweet. He's such an awesome big brother!

After the mud excursion, we moved the furniture that has been on the front porch to the new deck. It looks great and its so nice to have some real furniture on the deck! Our friends came over just in time and we enjoyed it until it got too cold out there. Emerson may have enjoyed it more than anyone! We sat down and she immediately pointed her finger at me and said (with no real words) "you stay there, I'll be right back" and ran into the house. I wondered what she was getting and when she came running back, it was one of our throw blankets. So perfect!

the kids played on the deck for hours! what a nice evening!

and here is the strawberry cream cake I made for dessert. yum :)


Dad said...

Great to see you blogging again I've really missed them. I would check every once in a while but nada. What a pleasant surprise this morning when I opened it up. You may have inspired me to start updating mine again.

Diane said...

I agree w/ Ken. Nice to see you regularly updating your blog (not that I can talk). I esp'y loved the first pic of Camden and Emerson and I love the close-up of Emerson and the blanket. Nice deck, too! Miss you guys.
