Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Matt's birthday, sunny day and soccer

Thursday was another gorgeous day!! It was so warm on the deck we got the kiddie pool out! We had our friends Holly, Brooke & baby Skylar came over and played in the kiddie pool.

Emerson was a bit cranky, not sure what her deal was, but I thought I better get a picture of it. She was super sensitive for some reason, but they still had fun and Holly and I enjoyed the heat!

On Friday before Matt's birthday we went out to birthday coffee (just Matt and I and our little tagalong). We got to try cake pops for the first time. Mine was tiramisu, Matt's was rocky road. They were pretty good, but I think I can do better. We'll see. I think I've been inspired enough to make them someday soon.

For Matt's birthday we went to dinner at Purple in Woodinville. One of our favorite restaurants. We usually don't take the kids, the last time they went was for my birthday dinner a couple of years ago. The kids think its pretty cool though because they have wine flights that you can order and for kids they have milk flights...with 4 wine glasses of different types of milk... caramel, plain, chocolate & strawberry. What a treat!! Papa joined us for the evening and Emerson helped open presents.

This morning Emerson was eating raspberries for breakfast and thought it was funny to stick them on the ends of her fingers. She also thought it was funny that she was eating a raspberry, but also has a raspberry on her tummy (her birthmark) so she decided to put her raspberry on her raspberry. She laughed and laughed about that one!

It doesn't seem like these videos are going to work, but I'm giving it a try. Here are some cute little videos of Emerson doing various things...


Diane said...

Looks like Matt had a great birthday. Milk flights - what a wonderful idea! And I loved the videos you posted, especially the last one, especially the last part! :)

Tiffany said...

Hey Jen! If you haven't checked out Bakerella yet you should. She does amazing things with cake pops. Google her and you'll find her site and recipes. Love these little glimpses into your life. And I LOVE your ending to Row Row Row Your Boat!!!
